Saturday, March 8, 2008

At the moment we're in San Luis Obispo, CA about 40 minutes away from playing our third night of the "Rock For Water Tour". Things have been going well. We've already raised half the amount of our goal and we've had a wonderful time playing these events with Travis Aiklen and Aaron Strumple.

However the tour hasn't been without it's battles. Several of us have been sick and we've had major technical difficulties on occasion. (The first night we had to play with out a sound system!) I've struggled vocally this whole time from allergies and have been frustrated as I haven't been able to deliver my best performances. God doesn't need my voice but it would be nice to be able to sing the songs the way He gave them to me.

Tomorrow we head to Bakersfield and afterward we have a short break for some much needed rest before marching north. The entire team has worked hard and given their best. I have no doubt that lives will be saved as a result of this tour. We deeply appreciate all you who are praying for us. Please pray especially for those of us who have been sick.

I'll be sure to keep you up to date about the tour as we continue!

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