Our team is on the way back to Charlotte, NC today. We've had a pretty incredible experience in California. We helped raised over $25,000 for Sudan. That's just about enough to dig 4 fresh water wells that could possibly support more than 40,000 people with healthy water. I consider this in itself to be quite an accomplishment. Mothers will lose fewer children, families will walk fewer miles for their basic necessities, and people who were going to die will live because of this trip! Beyond that, we raised awareness of these issues in communities across the length of California, worshiped together recklessly for hours at a time.
It's honestly a little difficult to leave the people we partnered with on the Rock For Water Tour. We've become close to Aaron Strumpel, the Aiklens, the Armerdings and the whole Radiant Church community. I know that we have destiny with these people beyond this tour and we consider them to be close friends even after only a couple weeks together. Honestly, we probably had a years worth of experiences in two weeks. We ministered together in churches, clubs, schools and even garages. We worked together, ate together, slept together, sang together and played together from the massive metropolitan cities of Southern California, to quant beach towns and snow covered mountain passes in the central coast and the north. When I think back on this trip the thing that I will remember the most are these people and the adventures we had together. As cheesy as it sounds there is something incredibly powerful about people unifying for the greater good and we plan to do more of it.
Sarah and I love California. We'll be back in a few weeks to teach and worship at a seminar in the San Francisco area along with Ray Hughes, Sean Feacht, Brian and Jen Johnson and several others. If you're going to be n the area please check it out. (more info in our "events" section)